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winter semester 1, full-time BA programme, Philology, Korean Philology (course group defined by Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures)

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Course group: winter semester 1, full-time BA programme, Philology, Korean Philology
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2020/SZ - Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
2021/SL - Academic year 2020/2021, summer semester
2021/SZ - Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
2022/SL - Academic year 2021/2022, summer semester
2022/SZ - Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
2023/SL - Academic year 2022/2023, summer semester
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2020/SZ 2021/SL 2021/SZ 2022/SL 2022/SZ 2023/SL
Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
  • discussion seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2020/2021, summer semester
  • discussion seminar - hours
Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
  • discussion seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, summer semester
  • discussion seminar - hours
Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
  • discussion seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, summer semester
  • discussion seminar - hours

Brief description

English as a Foreign Language at an upper-intermediate/advanced level. Considerable emphasis is put on the balanced development of all language skills and developing the ability to self-monitor and self-correct.

Course page
09-PDW-FK-12 n/a n/a n/a
Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours

Brief description
No brief description found, go to course home page to get more information.
Course page
09-WJ-FK-12 n/a n/a n/a
Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

General introduction of linguistic science, semiotics and communicology, as well as cultural study

Development of linguistic sciences, scope of research, definitions of language and sign, systems of language and its subsystems; methods and types of language study

Phonetics and phonology, semantics and syntax, definitions of units and relations between them, their features; applications of research results.

Course page
Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2020/2021, summer semester
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, summer semester
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, summer semester
  • lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Wprowadzenie do podstawowych zagadnień związanych z treściami kształcenia - elementami procesu historycznoliterackiego oraz ze strukturą, funkcjami i analizą dzieła literackiego.

Nabycie umiejętności przeprowadzania samodzielnych analiz filologicznych w zakresie ww. problematyki oraz umiejętności pogłębiania wiedzy teoretycznoliterackiej na podstawie literatury przedmiotu.

Course page
09-PNJK-16 n/a n/a n/a
Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
  • discussion seminar - 150 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
  • discussion seminar - 150 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
  • discussion seminar - 150 hours

Brief description

Acquisition of Korean at elementary level: listening, comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. Grammar and vocabulary of modern Korean with elements of Korean geography, culture, politics, history, etc. in order to prepare students to visit Korea and be able to communicate there in this language and to function properly in a non-European culture at the same time.

Course page
09-LOG-FK-11 n/a n/a n/a
Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
  • discussion seminar - 30 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
  • discussion seminar - 30 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
  • discussion seminar - 30 hours

Brief description

This course covers the basic concepts and issues in the field of the classical propositional calculus, the predicate calculus, and set theory, and provides a formal apparatus for the logical analysis of sentences and inferences.

Course page
09-FIL-FK-12 n/a n/a n/a
Academic year 2020/2021, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2021/2022, winter semestr
  • lecture - 30 hours
Academic year 2022/2023, winter semester
  • lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The review of the historical continuity of the development of main philosophical issues within the range of Mediterranean culture. An introduction to basic philosophical notions and terminology. The areas of epistemology, axiology, and philosophy of language are taken into special consideration. Some wider intercultural contexts are also referred to. Philosophy is taken as an inspiration for independent, critical, creative thinking as well as an art of interpretation of empirical world. The relationship among philosophy, linguistics and knowledge of culture are highlighted; the fundamentals of the philosophy and ethics of meeting with cultural otherness. An introduction to axio-linguistics and analytical ethics.

Course page
ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań
tel: +48 61 829 4000
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