Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań - Central Authentication System
Strona główna

Registration details

Course: Forensic expertise - legal and forensic aspects
accepted: 31
Period: Academic year 2023/2024, summer semester
Course description, examination details and other information can be found at the course homepage.
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Current state and possible actions

Current registration mode: None (registration is closed)
Registration is closed
USOSweb does not allow any registration-related action for this course at the moment. See the calendar of registrations for this course to know the exact dates of registration rounds.
Information on deadlines and registration rules can be also found in the News section edited by your faculty

(in Polish) Prawo, Administracja, Pr. europ. rejestracja na przedm. do wyboru sem let 23/24 (zajęcia pon.-pt.) [10-102-PREAP/23-24]

show courses related to this registration
(in Polish)

Rejestracja na przedmioty do wyboru semestru letniego dla 3 roku Prawa, 2,3 roku Administracji i Prawa europejskiego

2023-10-17 07:30 - 2023-10-19 20:00
Direct registration for groups - FCFS mode [description]
zapisy na przedmioty do wyboru semestru letniego
You are not logged in
2023-10-24 07:30 - 2024-02-25 20:00
Direct registration for groups - FCFS mode [description]
zapisy na przedmioty do wyboru semestru letniego
You are not logged in

Application statistics


Accepted = A+X - a sum of numbers of accepted applications and of people who registered in other ways. accepted: 31
+ P applications = P+A+X, we add a number of people who want to register (have applied, but their applications were not yet examined). So we get a total number of people who are willing to attend this course. + 0 applications: 31
expected - this is an estimated approximate limit for people allowed to attend this course expected: no limit
rejected = Z+O rejected: 0


P - unexamined applications 0
A - accepted applications 31
Z - rejected applications 0
O - permanently rejected applications 0
U - withdrawn accepted applications 26
V - withdrawn applications 0
X - registered in other ways 0
ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań
tel: +48 61 829 4000
contact accessibility statement USOSweb (2024-03-22)